It’s Time You Learn About “Carry A Stone”

Submitted by Sandy Graham

All around Scania, Sweden, people sing along and dance to catchy backbeat swing, spot-on melodies!
The listeners are filled with a smile on their lips and with an exuberant warmth in their bodies.
The band is called Carry A Stone!

This steam locomotive to phenomenon, consisting of 10 friends, was formed in 2014.
Thanks to components such as brass section, drums, percussion, piano, guitars, bass and vocals in broad Scanian, a completely unique sound with roots in Ska, rock, funk and reggae is created.
With hit songs such as “Lev livet”, Vingarna, Länsman Larsson and “Hästfolket” it has been measured up to over 100,000 streams on Spotify.

During the winter of 2021 and spring/summer 2022, the band has been highly topical with the performance “A tribute to Peps Persson” which was received with standing ovations by packed salons.

This is one of those bands, that even if you listen to them on streaming links, or see them in person, there is no way you can stand still. 

We believe music has no borders, and even singing in their own native language, I personally love every song. 

Looking forward to see them in Rinkaby, Sweden August 25 & 26 at the amazing

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