Danish Musician he is tall. Really Isn’t, But “it’s always been you” In His Large Heart

Despite the stage name of Danish musician he is tall., Troels Thorkild Sørensen isn’t all that tall. But when his guitar is alongside him and he occupies stages across the country, he grows. Originally from Mårslet, near Aarhus, he is tall. towers while maestroing his melodies for a live audience.

This year spells the debut EP for he is tall. Titled, “it’s always been you” he is tall. is announcing to the world the arrival of this likable Scandinavian lad. The project’s lead single, “new york.” is out now.

Check out “new york” on YouTube here: https://direct-actu.fr/2022/09/11/he-is-tall-new-york/

 Singing over a slow guitar tune, he is tall. tells the tale of spending the day with a mystery character in New York at some point in the past. He wishes his previous companion well in whatever they’re up to now and contemplates if life will ever bring their paths together again.

The tone of the track conveys a mix of emotions – an appreciation for what has become a wonderful memory, a longing for a time that has come and gone, and a curiosity for the questions we don’t always get the answers for.

This is a common theme throughout the EP.

“The songs are circling around people I have met throughout my life and how every single destiny is unique,” he is tall. said. “What our struggles are, when we are on the bumpy ride from adolescence to adulthood. The road is undulating and it’s possible to crash anytime, due to whatever might come at you: inner and outer expectations, unrequited love, addiction, mental illness, loneliness, toxic masculinity – boiling in one big cauldron.”

he is tall. takes the listener on a journey through the course of the project, and he said that the creation of it opened his eyes to some of life’s greatest truths, too.

“The EP has also been therapeutic for me to write and record, and it has (almost) helped me accept that it’s impossible to circumvent all the complications of adulthood,” he explained.

Listen on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/track/4qP12vH9Q5slnfS8biGfV5?si=d67d7a0f285c46f6&nd=1

 he is tall. made an impressive first impression on the Danish underground music scene. In 2019, he released the songs, “little brother.” and “dad.” They both grew to reach beyond Danish borders, featuring on the American Spotify playlist, “Discover: Indie Rising” and getting airplay on American and Dutch radio stations.

“I think your style is really original and it’s difficult for me to see how others should imitate you – which is a rare praise to give – so thank you so much for your music!” Sebastian Saxton, host of the Danish radio channel P6 Beat, said about he is tall. “I really appreciate it! I really think your vocal is strong.”

Danish indie label Møs Møs signed he is tall. shortly after the release of “dad.” and he has since worked on loads of new music, culminating in his debut EP in 2022. He has played as the support act for artists such as Tyler Childers, The Divine Comedy, and Leoniden, and he has been linked with American musician Jeff Buckley, too. Though his musical set up is a humble one, he is tall. has found inspiration from country and hip hop, and he merges this into his own honest sound.

This is the beginning of a long ride that he is tall. hopes you’ll take with him as he uses his music to learn more about himself and the world and shares his findings with us through song.
