Movies and television shows would lack so much dimension and emotional heft without being accompanied by music so, why shouldn’t a book have a soundtrack too? That’s a question author and composer Patrick Kimmell was likely asking himself before composing the downloadable soundtrack to his novel Two Lives to a Destiny.
Kimmell and his musical partner and arranger Andrei Panasevich, also known as Mel & Harmon, have created 11 original compositions to musically illustrate the chapters of Kimmell’s novel Two Lives to a Destiny. Designed to be listened to while reading the novel, the soundtrack is a first-of-its-kind endeavor, adding musical context to the book’s narrative and an enhanced dimension to reader’s emotional experience.
Originally published on September 29, 2020, Two Lives to a Destiny is a romantic and suspenseful novel that tells the story of Patrick and Fatima, two lovers engulfed in adventures that separate them from each other. Still, they are willing to live the impossible in order to meet again. Both will need a surmountable amount of strength and faith, to make their love eternal.
“Set in the early 1700s, this is the story of two souls who challenge and overcome societal obstacles erected by their different origins, cultures, and traditions,” explains Kimmell. “It’s an exciting journey of lovers who meet for the first time, fall in love unexpectedly, unprepared, and unaware of the quests that lie ahead just so that they can meet – only another time. But is this really their destiny?”
While reading the novel inspires readers to ‘see’ what’s happening in their minds, hearing the music written for that part of the story will only serve to enhance and add vibrancy to those mental images.
Kimmell also plans to take his soundtrack for Two Lives to a Destiny to yet another level. “My next step is to create the musical, to which all the lyrics have already been written by Vaughn Harbin,” he notes.
Originally from Bedford, Québec and now residing in Brampton, Ontario, Kimmell discovered his love for classical music and composing a little later in life, admirably tackling learning piano and composition in his thirties.
“At 30, wanting to be challenged other than the daily life routines, I decided to purchase my first piano and enrolled myself into classical music lessons at Le Studio d’Orgues et Pianos de Joliette,” he recalls. “This is where it all began. Five months later, after completing preparatory training and first-grade music lessons I was invited to play at the 19th Annual Recital at Le Musee d’Art de Joliette. I would be playing Beethoven’s ‘Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia’ (Moonlight Sonata) and my own sonata called ‘The Dream’.”
After a prolific period in 2003 during which he composed most of what has now become the Two Lives to a Destiny soundtrack, life took over and music took a back burner. Twelve years later, Kimmell rediscovered his musical passion and has made it an essential part of his creative life.
“In 2015, I jumped back on the music wagon and this time I’m holding on tight, no more distractions. It’ll be clear sailing ’til death do us part.”
Just like the lovers he’s written about in Two Loves to a Destiny, Patrick Kimmell and his music have found each other again, for good.
Two Lives to a Destiny is available via Amazon, Barnes and Noble and and the accompanying soundtrack is also now available for download. Patrick Kimmell
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