Submitted by Peter Astedt
6 to 8 of September is Mastering the Music Business (MMB) will once again take place in Bucharest, Romania. This is the 7th edition of the festival; last year MMB was one of the first to manage to have their festival live post-COVID, albeit a bit smaller and with more digital content. It was very successful, so the expectations are high this year when they return in full force.
MMB is getting more and more important among the showcase festivals in Europe. Still midsize but their network has been steadily growing, so the speakers are now really top quality.
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Also, the festival has set a light on the Romanian music scene and now Romanian artists are picking up speed getting their music outside Romania. In addition, talent has been invited from various parts of the globe.

The daytime schedule is back at the same place that we have seen for the past few years at Hotel Caro. There is a lot of panels and areas for everyone to mingle. This year they have added some new sections to their program by adding in more workshops. New is also that they have expanded the number of artists that are playing and also taking in more international artists. Main part of the showcases are still at the great club Expirat, located in the center of Bucharest.
MMB is now probably one of the more important showcases you can visit in Europe. Their middle size makes it easy to meet people and to actually create more business opportunities for all. Their network is so extensive that you will meet all the right people to achieve long term goals.
Mastering the Music Business has now rightfully taken its place as an important festival in the European music scene and is definitely one to keep your eye on as it continues to build its global reach.
For more visit the website: https://www.masteringthemusicbusiness.ro/